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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Let's Resurrect Our Online Book Club

2019-Looks like December is the time we think about a book club. I last posted here one year ago this week.  Yesterday,  I suggested using the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Challenge for this year. 

I can think of some ways to do it.  Here's the list of book types.  If you sign up for the challenge, they will email you this information. 
Possible ways to do the books.
1.  We all read the first type of book listed for January and the second for February.  There are 12 types of books listed, so that would take the whole year. January 2020 is a book published the decade you were born.  It could be different for each of us.

2.  Or we could all read whatever item we want and discuss it here.

3.  We could all read the same book.

4.  We could all read whatever we want and talk about it here.

It has been 7 1/2 years since we used our online book club.  It may be time to get it started again.  But we need to make sure it works well for discussing books.

I think we both should be able to post in it.  I'm going to see if I can change the settings so you can post too.

What do you think?

Beyond the Bright Sea

This is our choice for our current reading.  I've only read a few pages but it hasn't started good.  I can't tell if it is a fantasy or historical fiction.  I did look up the Elizabeth Islands and they are real.  They are off the tip of Martha's Vineyard.

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